Best places to live in Australia - we reveal them here
Australia's most liveable regional cities have been revealed by the latest RMIT University research.
2,422 auctions to be held this weekend
CoreLogic has recorded 2,422 capital city homes to go under the hammer this weekend Australia-wide.
REIV goes into bat for tenants and landlords
The REIV works with Government to assist landlords and tenants through the pandemic
Why property stands sturdy as Coronavirus smashes stock markets
History has shown when there are corrections in global stock markets, Australian property becomes a port in the storm.
Master builders appeal for government stimulus as approvals worsen
QUEENSLAND’S struggling building industry continues to be hammered by extreme weather conditions, a global pandemic and sliding building approvals, according to Master Builders Queensland.
Sales records are broken for Realmark in the west
North Beach-based real estate agency Realmark Coastal is celebrating its biggest sales month in history.
Brisbane's grandest home Windermere sold for Ascot record over $13m
Windermere is one of Australia's best homes in Brisbane's best street Sutherland Avenue sold for in excess of $13 million through agents Matt Lancashire and Hamish Bowman Ray White New Farm.
AREC 2020 postponed in light of Coronavirus concerns
The Australasian Real Estate Conference (AREC 2020) will be deferred, said Nichola Byrne, General Manager, Total Real Estate Training.
Christopher Doyle designed Toorak for sale - Marshall White
8 Montrose Court Toorak for sale by Marcus Chiminello and Mandy Zhu of Marshall White offers an uncompromised lifestyle close to elite schools and revered shopping precincts.
February saw declining vacancy rates
National residential rates have declined even further over the month, according to Louis Christopher of SQM Research.