The REIV works with Government to assist landlords and tenants through the pandemic
Some clarity around practical matters for real estate agents, landlords and tenants, vendors and buyers is being sought by the Real Estate Institute of Victoria through the Coronavirus pandemic.
REIV CEO Gil King has contacted Consumer Affairs Victoria on behalf of all stakeholders to discuss conducting inspections safely through to medium-term issues like dealing with rental arrears.
Some of the matters raised include:
Conducting the business of real estate
Property inspections, negotiations and auctions are all part of everyday real estate business.
Social distancing requirements will challenge the way agents fulfill their obligations to clients and customers.
Mr King said the REIV is also seeking advice from the Victorian Government on any support measures planned for the sector.
“We are aware that the banks have been urged by the government to implement a responsible approach to defaults on mortgages and loans during this critical time,” said Mr King.
“As a sector, real estate is dominated by small businesses that will be tested during this period.
“Most REIV Members have proactively contacted their clients, updated procedures in offices to minimise person-to-person contact and implemented a series of hygiene initiatives.
"We applaud these measures by the real estate sector.”
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