The Agency opens Sydney Surry Hills office Hub Servicing 50 suburbs
The Agency has opened its flagship office in Sydney’s Surry Hills in a move that sees the national brand bring together real estate agents serving more than 50 suburbs under one location.
The Agency has expanded its presence in Queensland with Toowoomba’s most experienced and trusted team in Snow Real Estate lead by Peter and David Snow joining the national real estate brand,” The Agency CEO of Real Estate Matt Lahood announced.
The Agency’s Harriet Saunders Head of Agent Recruitment and Growth as high performance agents a priority for 2024
Leading real estate recruitment professional Harriet Saunders has joined The Agency as Head of Agent Recruitment and Growth for the east coast as the national real estate brand looks to build on its already strong calibre team of high performance agents in 2024, welcomed by The Agency Founder...
The Agency Gold Coast boosts its ranks with Craig Caughlan
The Agency Real Estate CEO Matt Lahood, said Mr Caughlan was an important addition to the team in what is a vital hub in Queensland. Mr Caughlan said that he was drawn to The Agency’s national operational structure and the unique opportunity to work with Matt Lahood who had been a mentor in his...
The Agency partners with Australian Family Lawyers
In an industry first, The Agency has partnered with Australia’s largest specialised family law firm, Australian Family Lawyers (AFL), to provide training and family law legal services to agents and clients.
David Price joins The Agency as Queensland General Manager to spearhead expansion
As The Agency continues to roll out its national expansion strategy, highly experienced real estate professional David Price has joined the team as General Manager of Queensland.