Housing affordability improves for the first time since 2021 - REIA
Housing affordability for home buyers has finally turned a corner with the March quarter of 2024, showing improvement for the first time in three years - but it’s a tale of two cities.
Affordability remains key issue as investors flock to COVID-free states - REIA
Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) President, Adrian Kelly said new loan commitments to owner occupiers fell while investors increased their interest in zero COVID states.
The REIA June Housing Affordability Report has good news for renters showing rental affordability is at its best since 2007, says president Adrian Kelly.
As interest rates continue to shrink on home loans, the ability for people to buy their own home also reduces, according to REIA Housing Affordability quarterly report.
Bi-partisan support for a Federal Housing Minister recognises the urgent need to address our housing affordability challenges at a national level, said the Housing Industry Association.