REINSW has created an advisory group of industry leaders and stakeholders to examine ways to professionalise the real estate industry.
The Real Estate Institute of New South Wales has created an advisory group of industry leaders and stakeholders to look at ways to professionalise the real estate industry. The group met for the first time last week, laying the foundations for a way forward.
REINSW President John Cunningham said after years of lobbying for increased education and standards, the NSW Government has acted, providing the REINSW with a foundation to pursue professional recognition within the industry.
“The need for greater accountability and transparency in the ever increasing complexities of property transactions has led to a clear need for recognisable property professionals who offer trusted advice, service and expertise to stand up and be counted,” Cunningham said.
The group first met on Wednesday last week. They have agreed on the path forward for property professionals.
“The group was formed initially from the panel of industry thought leaders from last year’s REINSW Industry Summit where the focus was on 'professionalism'. The core group has been expanded to include a number of other industry leaders and influencers to ensure we have carriage of the broad spectrum of property professionals,” said Cunningham.
The group consists of:
Cunnginham said the REINSW has been formulating plans behind the scenes for three years, and the creations of the advisory group signals the official beginning of the journey.
Cunningham said, "the urgency to expedite and resource the project was loud and clear," at the first meeting.
“The challenge is to create the critical elements of a profession: Ethics, Education, Experience, Examination and Entity in such a way as to achieve a new benchmark for standards, processes and behaviours that are clearly understood by both the profession and consumers alike," he said.
The group will next hold an Industry Leaders & Influencers Think Tank on 24 May where 40 to 50 of the best and brightest will discuss the project, what the key milestones will be, and the decisions and commitments required to move forward.
See also:
Path to professionalism commences for real estate