What will auctions look like post-coronavirus?
Auctioneer Justin Nickerson of Apollo Auctions has a peek at the future of auctions post-Coronavirus.
Changes to Victorian Residential Tenancy Act on hold
REIV President Leah Calnan has welcomed the Victorian Government’s decision to hold off on introducing changes to rental laws
How much is the Bank’s generosity costing you?
REINSW CEO Tim McKibbin questions who really is footing the bill when it comes to banks, landlords and tenants.
Kay and Burton welcomes Oliver Booth to their South Yarra team
One of Melbourne’s most successful real estate agents, Oliver Booth joins Kay & Burton South Yarra
Valuer General releases study on impact of bushfires on land value
The latest report on the impact of recent bushfire events on land values has been released by the NSW Valuer General, Dr David Parker.
Private treaty and pre-auction sales prove popular during Coronavirus restrictions
Real estate agents have adapted to doing business under the Coronavirus restrictions resulting in significant properties sold, according to Ray White and McGrath agents.
John McGrath – First home buying during Covid-19
John McGrath, founder of McGrath Estate Agents encourages first home buyers to continue their property search.
REIWA welcomes WA Government's easing open home restrictions and rent assistance
REIWA welcomes McGowan Government’s announcements, firstly to allow the number of people who can attend an open home to be increased from two people (including the agent) to a maximum of 10 people and secondly, rent assistance to help property owners through the Coronavirus pandemic.
Legends of real estate to rally for free live webinars
AREC assembles the legends of real estate to bring free live webinars to the industry during COVID-19
Get to know Jamie Mi of Kay & Burton
"There is no doubt that many international buyers would like to take advantage of the current situation and are motivated to buy this year."