Local real estate agent opens Hockingstuart Bacchus Marsh
Hockingstuart, announce the opening of its new office in the peri-urban town of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, covering Bacchus Marsh, Maddingley and Darley led by real estate expert Adam Tucci.
Real estate heavyweight Peter Hanscomb is the first in a series of podcasts on The Real Estate Conversation and he speaks with Lee Woodward of the Real Estate Academy.
Days on Market data shows increasing buyer interest in Melbourne’s south west
The Real Estate Institute of Victoria’s latest Days on Market data shows that properties in Melbourne’s south west are being snapped up in much quicker timeframes than this time last year, signaling intense competition from buyers in the area.
Any good business person will tell you that having a large sum of money in your savings account is futile, especially while interest rates are at record lows.
Melbourne's bayside suburbs more expensive than Toorak, REIV data shows
Bayside suburbs, such as Albert Park, Middle Park, and South Melbourne, are attracting higher prices per square metre than Melbourne's most exclusive suburbs, according to the latest data from the REIV.
Young Melbourne buyer turns 'property hound' to keep dream alive
Samantha McCarthy of hockingstuart Werribee says she can hear the stress in people's voices as they inspect properties they fear may have drifted out of their price range.
How to get the most 'bang' from your renovations 'buck'
As property prices rise, more people are choosing to renovate their existing homes. David Wood of hockingstuart says renovations to the kitchen and bathroom and improving the garden deliver the greatest capital returns.
The peak season for renting holiday homes is slowly drawing to a close, but follow these tips and your property could become a year-round lucrative business.