“At first UrbanX was a platform to help us get the business up and running, but the longer we’ve been with them, the more obvious it is how critical they’ve been to our success this year" says Clinton Eastell, founder of Eastell and Co.
There’s been a bit of a debate around the rise of small-business, self-branded agents who are shunning the large-franchise model and, instead, striking out on their own.
And while there’s been a decent swathe of conjecture thrown around, it’s hard to argue with the hard evidence of small-business success.
Meet Clinton Eastell, founder of Eastell and Co. on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast – launched 1st March 2020.
To celebrate the venture’s first birthday, Clinton looked back on how much he’s gained in one year.
Throughout his career Clinton cut his teeth, learned the ropes and put his nose to the grindstone – all the cliches – under major franchise groups.
His hard work elevated his personal brand to a point where being part of a major franchise wasn’t really helping him win business.
“In the end, about 90 per cent of my business was self-generated. I loved being with the company, but I wanted to leave because no one rang my phone just because of my business card. They rang because they knew me.”
Clinton said this was frustrating because the percentage of commission he received wasn’t fairly reflecting his efforts compared to the franchisee’s and head office’s contributions.
So, he started making plans in early 2020 to strike out on his own – and he says it’s unbelievable what difference a year makes.
“I remember we were six weeks away from launching the business and, for a variety of reasons, money was really tight. We were heading to a party and the host asked us to bring some drinks and ice which ended up being $50. Ash (girlfriend) and I checked our bank account and it only had $55 in it… and my next pay wasn’t coming through for another five days.
“Fast forward to now and my GCI has gone from $360,000 to $860,000. Best of all, because I keep more of that revenue, my take home pay has risen from $161,000 as a PAYG agent to over $700,000 as my own boss.
Clinton sales results have been grown along with his business. In the first six months of operation, his average sale was $640,000, but in the last six months, it’s been $1.045 million.
“I just find it amazing how much your life can change in 12 months. The money has only complemented the fact that starting our own business has changed our lives. With Ash (now fiancée) and myself, we’ve grown financially, we’ve grown as human beings and I’ve grown and learned more about this industry in the last 12 months than any time in my career. My client base, and knowledge, has grown exponentially.
“This is because I can now do things my way. I don’t have anyone telling me how to market client’s properties. Also, when you work for someone else there’s less motivation and opportunity to be creative and try different things.”
Clinton partnered with UrbanX to create Eastell and Co., who take a relatively minor percentage of GCI in exchange for handling all of Clinton’s administrative back end, accounts, marketing, training and support.
“At first UrbanX was a platform to help us get the business up and running, but the longer we’ve been with them, the more obvious it is how critical they’ve been to our success this year.
“We can just focus on working with our clients – listing and selling. UrbanX helps us do this. Working for themselves has also given them the opportunity to brings Ash into the business full-time.
“Working with your partner is most definitely difficult at times but it has probably been the most rewarding part of the journey so far. To achieve this as an agent is fantastic but your partner only really sees the numbers. Now with Ash in the business, it has made it more enjoyable as we are doing this together. It has also made my job a lot easier because she runs the brand, sponsorships and community involvement which we both get to enjoy together.”
“Also, I think Dan’s (UrbanX CEO) guidance through COVID – given his experience during the GFC – was pivotal. We probably wouldn’t have come out the other end of COVID as well as we did if it wasn’t for his advice and his support.”
Clinton says he no longer needs to sweat spending his last $50 contributing to mate’s parties.
“We have bought our first property, a new car and, most importantly of all, an engagement ring for my fiancée. I’ve also managed to recruit three more agents under the Eastell and Co. brand.”
Clinton goes to show, starting your own brand can yield life-changing dividends. All you need is hard work, the right support, and courage to break free from the franchise agency model.
For more information, please visit www.urbanx.io
The views expressed in this article are an opinion only and readers should rely on their independent advice in relation to such matters.
This is a sponsored feature article.
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