In such unprecedented times Ree Chettri of The Agency has added one more role to her property management portfolio - being a friend to the tenants and landlords she is helping through COVID-19.
For Ree Chettri, working in property management is as diverse as the people she meets on a day to day basis. No two days are the same.
Real estate has always been Ree's passion, it was her first full-time professional job and since the first day of work she hasn't looked back.
WILLIAMS MEDIA spoke to Ree Chettri about the current COVID-19 situation in the property management world.
Ree Chettri
What do you enjoy most about your career?
Working in Property Management, over the course of my career, I have made a few good friends within the real estate industry and I have also had some fantastic mentors but above all, I enjoy the fact that I get to communicate, and work with different personalities from diverse backgrounds
How do you maintain great relationships with your clients?
Phone calls. I call my clients when I have good news and I also call them when I have not so good news. It is hard to be the bearer of bad news but in this role, you just have to do it. It is best to be direct with honest and clear communication.
What is the best advice you have given a landlord?
The best advice I give landlords is to make sure that the property they are renting out is compliant.
Snowboarding is a way to relax Source: Ree Chettri
What is the best advice you have given a tenant?
The best advice I've given tenants is that communication is the key.
How has COVID 19 changed the rental market or your role?
During this time vacancy rates are high and rents are low. Legislation changes have affected quite a few landlords and tenants. This unique time has been tough on everyone including tenants and landlords. Therefore, I have had to include one more role in my already existing multiple roles- being a friend!
What are tenants and landlords saying?
Each group is saying it is hard for them for their various reasons. I say it is hard for all of us.
Cooking helps Ree relax when not at work. Photo: Ree Chettri.
What are your personal interests/hobbies?
I love cooking. It is the only thing that helps me relax and take my mind off work
What drives you every day?
My strong mindset. Work and life can be tough some days but you just have to push yourself. The sun will always shine the next day
Find out more about what is happening in the rental market.
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