First-home buyers who use their superannuation to purchase their own home could end up with larger 'nest eggs' at retirement than if they continued to rent their whole lives, says the REIA.
More Australians lumped with mortgage later in life
Because they are delaying the purchase of their first home, more Australians will have a mortgage later in life, according to The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Australians are more likely than residents of any other country to rely on proceeds from the sale of property to fund their retirement, says HSBC's Future of Retirement report.
Whether coastal or rural, we believe that the regional cities that will be in highest demand by baby-boomer re-locators will offer a combination of quality lifestyle, good health care, and availability of freestanding houses for less than $400,000.
While most of us don't like to think about funerals, a little preparation can mean peace of mind for loved ones, especially if you're thinking of travelling.
With negative gearing only available for investment in newly-built residential property existing investors will find it more difficult to sell their properties as other investors will show little interest in existing property with inevitable falls in value to follow.
Property investment important to Western Australians
Negative gearing encourages property investment, and helps people retire with confidence, reducing the burden on the federal government, says REIWA president, Hayden Groves.