The Real Estate Institute of Victoria has called on the state government to provide more detail on Sale of Land Amendment Bill passed in parliament last week.
NCAT jurisdiction issue leaves landlords in the lurch - REINSW
The Real Estate Institute of NSW has raised concerns regarding NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal's inability to hear cases if one or more parties live interstate.
Young people prioritising home ownership over travel, career, says research
A new survey from has found Australians under 30 consider buying a property to be the third most important 'life factor' behind health and family.
Cash rate won't need to be dropped more than two times - Finsure
Finsure Managing Director John Kolenda said there is no requirement for the Reserve Bank of Australia to drop the national cash rate more than twice in the next 12 months.
Surge in home loan applications for CBA following election
Commonwealth Bank CEO Matt Comyn said the bank was already starting to see the results of a shift in consumer sentiment following the federal election.