@WORKSPACES Founding Director Mariska Folley outlines the ingredients for the ideal co-working space.
With coworking environments now becoming one of the ‘must do’ things for startups and businesses of all sizes, finding the right coworking space can potentially be a daunting task.
It is for this reason that @WORKSPACES Founding Director Mariska Folley has compiled a list of what employers need to consider before committing to a co-working space.
1. Atmosphere: The atmosphere of a coworking space is possibly the most important issue to consider. Anyone working in a coworking environment spends many hours there so the ideal coworking space must feel like a second home.
2. Noise levels: Setting an ideal level of noise from chatter and music affects the productivity of everyone working in a defined space. This is a matter of preference, and it works differently for every person in the coworking space. Make sure you view the space and consider this.
3. Sense of community: Coworking spaces are small yet diverse communities. Great coworking spaces hold scheduled community events, including and not limited to happy hours, workshops, presentations, networking events, and more.
4. Seating options: Having different seating options allow a coworking space to accommodate different types of people and needs. These include huge community tables, individual desks, or even standing desks.
5. Meeting rooms: Meeting rooms are important, whether they are offered either as part of the overall package or for additional pay or via membership. People need these spaces to meet clients, have team meets or make video calls.
6. Private areas for calls: Privacy is important in coworking spaces, especially when it comes to making or taking phone calls. Private areas are important for this as well as managing noise levels.
7. Awesome hosts: Coworking environments must have personality to create a sense of harmony and belonging for everyone in the coworking and private office space. A host or community curator can help cultivate the community into one coherent unit. An awesome host is essential.
8. Location and amenities: The location of a coworking space matters. Being near busy areas like train stations, good restaurants, the library, a park, or generally somewhere accessible is important for transport, lifestyle and socialising.
9. WIFI: Having access to a fast and reliable WiFi connection is essential. This is especially important to people who download files and work with VoIP as well.
10. Good kitchen: As a second home, coworking spaces must have a functional kitchen where people can heat or prepare their meals and form an even closer bond as a community. It is also where people can get their coffee, something essential to any coworking space.
With so many options to choose from, Ms Folley said it was important to look at all aspects of a coworking space, not just the visual.
“The ideal coworking space doesn’t depend on how spruced up your place is – the connection and satisfaction of the community is the most important factor,” she said.
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