A new app, realAs, helps buyers identify underquoting.
The real estate industry is being reshaped by new technologies, as new apps inform and empower consumers.
Downloading the app for realestate.com.au or domain.com.au is the first step for anyone with even a cursory interest in property.
Mortgage apps, such as tapMortgage, can help buyers gain a deeper understanding of their borrowings. Plug in different interest rates and repayment schedules to put a spotlight on the terms of your mortgage. Armed with this data, consumers can seek out the most competitive mortgages.
Styling your property before selling is now de rigeur, and can be done easily with a little help from your friends at houzz. This popular app has hundreds of thousands of images of beautiful spaces, and can provide inspiration.
Map apps can also help in the property hunt. See a house you like? Make sure there’s a school nearby with the ubiquitous Maps app.
And now there's an app that can help buyers avoid wasting time on properties they can’t afford. realAs combines buyers' property price estimates with a range of other data, to come up with a realAs price guide. Agents’ price guides are also logged, so it’s possible to see in black and white if agents appear to be underquoting. Considering widespread concern about underquoting, users can take comfort from the fact that realAs price guides are regularly within 5-10% of the final sale price.
Apps are putting power in the hands of consumers. The industry is scrambling to keep up.
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