Generic and mass communications are not the way to foster good relationships with your clients.
As far as I can tell, relationships with clients of the real estate industry are not born or fostered through any of the usual channels agents prefer. Emails and letters showcasing current listings or boasting of record sales, even market reviews – these might be interesting, particularly if a customer is at a certain point in the property cycle, but they’re just not engaging enough to do much in the way of encouraging or enhancing any sort of relationship.
So we decided to approach things differently. As part of our new customer experience program, we recently took a handpicked group of our clients out on the harbour for a cruise on a 95 foot super yacht. We’d set aside a substantial budget for the day and the planning beforehand was all around creating a fantastic experience. Shop-talk was off the table - the sole ambition was to foster relationships. Most of the people we invited didn’t know each other, but we were hoping for some riveting conversation and hopefully, the start of some new friendships.
I’d have to say it worked. We’ve had great feedback from those who attended who’ve said it’s an afternoon they’ll never forget. But I’ve always believed one of the marks of success is to have your clients talking about you when you’re not there and it seems this is an event that’s been talked about a lot in the local market. We’ve had people who we’d originally invited that didn’t even RSVP at the time, contact us afterwards and ask to be added to the guest list for the next one.
There will be more client experiences, although I won’t show my hand just yet and reveal what they’ll be. Suffice it to say that each experience will be carefully thought through, with every detail taken care of so our clients can take away a memory that will stay with them for life. To me, it’s those sorts of experiences that bind people, especially in today’s environment. Not generic and mass communications.