Master Builders CEO Grant Galvin warns border closures could undo the work of stimulus measures.
Master Builders is warning the Queensland Government not to let uncertainty around border exemptions and border pass processes undo the good work of stimulus measures.
CEO Grant Galvin said the industry was not surprised by the border closure announcement, but more than 24 hours on, it’s reeling from the lack of detail around industries that will be exempt and rules around border communities and passes.
“We have many members who work in the Tweed area and many with crews that work across the Gold Coast and into northern NSW and they are now scrambling for news and certainty ahead of Saturday’s border closure,” Mr Galvin said.
“As an industry, we were exempt from the border closure last time because we demonstrated why construction must be allowed to continue due to the sheer number of jobs it supports, as well as the ability to successfully apply social distancing and hygiene protocols to work sites.
“These reasons haven’t changed, so we’re hopeful the exemption will once again apply this time and our industry will continue to demonstrate their ability to meet the rules.
Mr Galvin said there has been a very positive response to stimulus measures.
"(Stimulus measures) such as the $25,000 HomeBuilder grant and the $5,000 regional home building boost, we don’t want this good work to be undone with the current uncertainty," said Mr Galvin.
“We’ve got one member with a 100-tonne crane from Currumbin booked to lift tilt panels in Byron next week, with no idea if the crane crew will be able to return to Queensland after the job.
“We’ve also got builders with teams from Queensland who are working on critical infrastructure projects in regional NSW and are now not sure what impact it will have on travelling team members and subbies.
“Our industry requires planning and precision to keep work moving and the uncertainty is causing a lot of angst and pain right now.
"We’re urging the Premier and Mick de Brenni MP to urgently provide details on the border closure and how the border pass process will work.”
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