Lucy Turnbull has unveiled the Greater Sydney Commission’s draft plans for Sydney.
Last weekend, the Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, and the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Andrew Constance, launched the Greater Sydney Commission’s draft Regional Plan for public comment.
The plan was launched alongside Transport for NSW’s Future Transport 2056 proposal, and proposes transforming Sydney into three interconnected cities, with new homes, public transport, and job hubs.
The plan is based around the '30-minute city' model - which aims to have residents get wherever they need within 30 minutes.
Read the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan here.
“Reshaping Greater Sydney as a metropolis of three cities – the Western Parkland City, Central River City and Eastern Harbour City will rebalance it," said the Greater Sydney Commission's chief commissioner Lucy Turnbull AO.
“This is particularly exciting for Sydney’s west, with an entirely new city to emerge west of the M7," said Turnbull.
"The new Western Sydney Airport and Badgery’s Creek Aerotropolis will support tens of thousands of jobs," she said.
“Penrith, Liverpool and Campbelltown will become university towns," said Turnbull.
The draft Greater Sydney Region Plan will be on exhibition until 15 December, and the Commission is accepting submissions until then.
Minister Roberts said, “Greater Sydney is destined to become one of the world’s top 10 cities as its population grows to an estimated eight million people over the next 40 years.
"We need these plans to ensure we deliver the housing, jobs, transport services, schools and medical facilities Sydneysiders will need,” he said.
Read the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan here.
Read more about the Greater Sydney Commission's vision for Sydney:
Greater Sydney Commission releases draft district plans