Real estate institutes will plan future direction of REIA together.
Representatives from real estate institutes in every state and territory will get together in a few weeks to discuss the direction of the Real Estate Institute of Australia, REIA president Neville Sanders has revealed. Despite the Real Estate Institute of Queensland officially quitting the national body last week, Queensland will join the discussions, along with New South Wales, who are also out of the national body. "We're not enemies and we've got good, meaningful dialogue," said Sanders of Queensland. "If they want to shape the direction of the REIA that's fine. It's a pity they've gone outside the fold to try and change things. We'd rather work with them."
Sanders said the real estate industry needs a national voice. "The reason governments talk to the national body is because they want a national view on the industry," he said.
REIQ chairman Rob Honeycombe has sent an email to his members stating Queensland had decided to split from the national body, effective 30 March, because it didn't see value in the $260,000 in annual fees it has been paying.