Robert is a Melbourne Architect and Director of Archicentre whose architectural career spans more than 35 years and includes running national and international architectural practices and advisory services, as well as providing architectural design and consultancy services. In 1978 he commenced his architectural practice, Caulfield and Krivanek Pty Ltd, which later became CK Designworks, CK Designworks International and most recently Caulfield Krivanek Architecture. Since the beginning, he and his teams have been responsible for the design of iconic buildings throughout Australia, as well as internationally in the Middle East, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Iran, Azerbaijan and the United States. In addition to running his architectural practices, Robert was the founder of Archicentre and led the organisation and its state and territory-wide offices for 31 years. As Managing Director, he built Archicentre up to be the largest building advisory group in Australia, eventually leading to the establishment and management of Archicentre's international offices in Kuala Lumpur, before standing down in 2010 to focus solely on his design practices.