Justin Nickerson is the director of Apollo Auctions, and was the 2017 and 2016 Australasian Auctioneer of the Year.
One of my main bugbears with bidders at auction is sometimes that they play a game that only they seem to understand.
Every so often a news story will trumpet an online real estate auction, which will supposedly replace the age-old traditional version.
Ideally, you will set your auction reserve in the week prior to the auction, although it may change on auction day.
Inactivity is the number one blunder bidders make at auction.
First-home buyers should do their own research and seek help when bidding at auction for the first time.
Justin Nickerson of Apollo Auctions asks, should bidders pay a deposit when they register to bid at auction?
Learn winning strategies for bidding at auction from one of the best in the business, Justin Nickerson of Apollo Auctions.