John Gilmovich is the managing director of Real Property Manager. He is a licensed property management professional, real estate and property industry lobbyist, and real estate industry trainer.
As the impacts of COVID 19 continue to ripple through everyday life, Government relief strategies have ignored property investors
Introduced to the NSW Parliament on 20 September by Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean, the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Review) Bill 2018 is set to give more powers to tenants in New South Wales.
Fixed term versus periodic tenancies and why does this matter?
Housing affordability especially in high price and population growth suburbs like Sydney’s Inner City and Inner West has become a serious and growing problem.
New guidelines about standards for rental properties will remove ‘slum’ landlords from the market.
Weekly rents go up and down, repairs and maintenance requests keep coming, and the cost of owning an investment property are rising. Landlords have as many problems as tenants.
Tenants, rental stress, and the need for rental security.