I often hear of complaints about Real Estate Agents and their attitudes and I’d have to say that more than 80% of the time it would come down to ego.
If there is one thing that I’ve learnt in my 17 years in Real Estate is that humility gets you a very long way.
How often do you let your ego get in the way of a perfectly good relationship?
I often hear of complaints about Real Estate Agents and their attitudes and I’d have to say that more than 80% of the time it would come down to ego.
Are agents so worried about their ego that they feel they have to always be right or control a situation rather than being humble and helpful? Yes of course we have to be confident and provide the right advice but, we don’t have to be controlling, egotistical or have that “my way or the highway” attitude.
In my humble opinion, if agents where to check themselves before reacting and look to actively listen and engage in the relationship, not allow their attitude of always having to be right or that I must save face attitude get in the way, do you think that our industry might get that great reputation that we are all so desperately seeking?
What if, in every dealing, we treated others with respect, grace and integrity? What if we dropped the ego and showed our caring and nurturing selves? What if we took the other persons feelings into consideration, tried to understand where they are coming from and were humble in our approach, would this turn things around? I think so.
How hard is it to say, hey look I’m sorry, what can I do for you? What can I help you with and how can we resolve this together? I have time for you and I’m here to help.
So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self, Come on and check yo self before you wrickity-wreck yo self…. Ice Cube
Some food for thought, certainly works for me.