Park front Melbourne CBD apartment for sale - Colliers
702/35 Spring Street Melbourne for sale by Nancy Monitto of Colliers Residential enjoys uninterrupted park front views over heritage-listed Treasury Gardens
Collins Arch Melbourne CBD apartment for sale - Colliers Residential
3104/433 Collins Street Melbourne for sale by Nancy Monnito of Colliers Residential Melbourne is one of Melbourne's most dramatic two-bedroom residences with panoramic Yarra River views
Martin Friedrich designed Wave House Brighton for sale - Kay & Burton
34 Were Street Brighton for sale by Matthew Pillios, Jia Teresa Wizel and Melissa Grinter of Kay & Burton features a private wellness centre for ultimate indulgence.
Secluded ‘Man from Snowy River’ Merrijig acreage Boxtree for sale - RT Edgar
224 Purcells Road Merrijig for sale by Will Maxted of RT Edgar and Kate McDougall of McGrath Mansfield is the ultimate destination in one of Merrijig's most elusive locations.
48-acre Federation-style Yellangip homestead Darlington Victoria - CBRE
170 Darlington-Carranballac Road Darlington for sale by Matt Childs of CBRE is an opportunity to secure one of Victoria’s most distinguished rural properties.
Goulburn Riverfront Italianate country estate Noorilim for sale - Christie's
205 Wahring Murchison East Road Wahring for sale by Sean Cussell of Christie's International Real Estate Victoria is a glittering jewel in Victoria’s real estate crown, with wide river frontage complete with a beach.
c.1860 Ingleby homestead for sale on 100-acres - CBRE
The historic bluestone at 765 Ingleby Road Winchelsea for sale by Matt Childs of CBRE Commercial offers a significant landholding with diverse possibilities.
100-year old Barwite country acreage for sale - Nutrien Harcourts
146 Soldiers Road Barwite for sale by Amanda Nieuwenhuizen of Nutrien Harcourts Mansfield is a 33-acre retreat with cottage gardens, sustainable agricultural features, and sprawling views.