REIWA’s policy position is to retain negative gearing provisions in its current form, as well as promote the need for broader tax reform, nationally and locally. Changing one part of the tax system without considering it as a whole will only lead to inefficiencies, administrative burden and distortions.
The Federal Election provides an opportunity for REIWA, as your industry advocate, to talk to West Aussies about the positive role property plays in securing futures, by sharing the facts and encouraging public discussion on the issue.
REIWA’s policy position is to retain negative gearing provisions in its current form, as well as promote the need for broader tax reform, nationally and locally. Changing one part of the tax system without considering it as a whole will only lead to inefficiencies, administrative burden and distortions.
The current debate around negative gearing doesn't focus on the role property plays in the lives of everyday West Aussies. REIWA supports an affordable housing policy – it’s important to our community. We need policies that address affordability through supply levers and planning and development.
REIWA’s policy positions aim to be balanced and take into account the impact on our stakeholder groups – our members, the WA community, all political parties and other property industry bodies. We will be engaging with you, your clients and the WA community from today and in the lead up to the election to share evidence that negative gearing, in fact, helps everyday West Aussies.
Additionally, we will be talking to WA Federal MPs and Senators from all sides of politics.
We are running a series of weekly surveys on to gain an understanding of the WA community’s views and experiences with property investment. We will publish the results from these interactions publicly.