Rental assistance measures for struggling tenants and landlords need to be considered, says REIACT CEO Michelle Tynan.
The REIACT is the latest industry body urging both the Federal and ACT Governments to consider additional rent assistance for residential tenants who lose their jobs and safeguards for landlords if the tenant can no longer afford to pay rent as a result of the Coronavirus.
It comes as welfare bodies call for a ban on housing evictions over the next few months to support people who have lost their income because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
REIACT CEO Michelle Tynan said Government and industry needs to come together in order for there to be a reasonable solution for both tenants and landlords.
“The Coronavirus outbreak is creating difficult times for tenants and landlords alike, and we strongly encourage landlords to be understanding with rental payments during this time of uncertainty, however, we certainly don't want to see landlords entering into mortgage distress through non-payment of rent," said Ms Tynan.
“It is becoming increasingly clear that people may start to fear eviction or even homelessness, but we need to ensure adequate communication from both Government and industry that there are already legislative processes in place to stop landlords from evicting tenants during time of hardship."
The already announced federal assistance package of up to $25,000 for small and medium businesses to allow employers to keep paying employees along with the ACT Government economic stimulus package is going to help stabilise fears which are emerging in the private rental sector.
“While these stimulus packages will help keep people in jobs, we urge Government to consider introducing rental assistance for those who find themselves out of work," said Ms Tynan.
"What we need is for the Government to provide emergency rent assistance to those affected and the banks and landlord insurers to commit to working with landlords affected by the Coronavirus outbreak to ensure both the tenants and landlord feels safe and secure during these stressful times.
"At the end of the day, if the owner cannot afford to pay their mortgage as a result of non-payment of rent, the tenant may ultimately face homelessness regardless, so all participants need to be considered in any assistance measures being consider by Government.”
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