With national accolades for their work in the technology space, Toop&Toop is changing the way buyers, sellers, landlords and agents manage real estate transactions and properties.
Chairman of Toop&Toop, Anthony Toop, describes ToopTech, which includes tools such as the ToopVault and ToopFIX, as 'disruptor technology'.
"ToopTech is real estate software smarts that is redefining what can be achieved in selling real estate. We are pushing the boundaries into artificial intelligence, robotics and full systemization of our profession. If successful agents remain relevant and valued into the next decade and beyond," he told WILLIAMS MEDIA.
A name given to a suite of technology, ToopTech assists landlords, buyers, agents and sellers through the entire process.
"The ToopTech software that is most affecting landlords in 2018 is ToopFIX. Currently FIX is live and in the field with a number of top agents around Australia. There has been no marketing and it has never actually been released for sale. Everything has been word of mouth. So it is a bit of a secret," Anthony told WILLIAMS MEDIA.
"ToopFIX has been operational for a couple of years, with a complete rewrite into a robust commercial version released in March 2018. In Toop&Toop’s rent roll of around 2,000 properties, our head count is down four from pre ToopFIX times and now with a calm and in control team.
"We've gone from 3,000 emails a day down to around 500. We're now more motivated and have time to service the landlords. Tenants now don’t clog up the front reception and the phones with complaints any more. We've gone from two receptionists to one. It's a profound improvement on multiple levels of the business," he said.
"In 2016 we released ToopVault. ToopVault was specifically created for driving off market sales. This secure “members only” area is where properties are held minutes after listing until ready for public release. We are more and more not getting to go live to the public portals or traditional marketing channels," he said.
Supplied: Toop&Toop
How ToopTech helps landlords
How ToopTech helps buyers
"We have geographic settings to alarm app users as they travel in close proximity to a matching Toop&Toop property. Its a cool function," Anthony told WILLIAMS MEDIA.
"Sticky interactive tools like ToopCreate utilize world leading online imagery technology where our floor plans can be redesigned online, colour and existing property finishes can be changed online and 3D open inspection walk throughs are all provided to our online buyers. This has seen Toop&Toop’s average time spent on clients property reach an average of a staggering 14 minutes, previously unheard of. All Toop&Toop properties have their unique web address making finding them instant," he said.
The base platform behind ToopTech, termed the "Team Marketing System" is where appraisals of property is taken online and details recorded.
"From here, sales data from data providers is attached and we access our BuyerBank to match our appraised property against the BuyerBank. We can literally match buyer and seller prior to even looking at the property from the data available online and our VA selling system and BuyerBank of hot buyers. We can hold open inspections within hours of listing. Its functionality is previously unheard of because we can instantly publish ourselves," he said.
Buyers and sellers are able to be matched and communicated with, meaning that deals are pushed through quicker.
How agents and buyers can utilize ToopTech
Anthony says that ToopFIX2 is the product currently available for the right agents.
"Right agents are generally the agents having a change culture and perhaps a reasonable level of automation with a team willing to embrace it.
"Some agents just are not ready for revisiting their age old ways, and they are not going to be able to adapt. ToopFIX is so simple to use that it literally frightens the die-hard traditional types. For those agents focussed on excellence and the future, ToopFIX is an amazing and unbelievably simple technology tool for creating automation in maintenance for Property managers," he said.
Meanwhile, ToopTech is currently being rebuilt.
"Our current system was built starting 18 years ago and not in the latest code. We have started from scratch in our rebuild from the ground up," he said.
"Our 18 year old heavily evolved system is living proof that it works and now we are creating a selling real estate pretty much fully automated. This leaves the human side of negotiation for agents to focus on.
"Our goal is to release a commercial system early to mid 2019. It will look and feel like ToopFIX and be fully integrated, yet built in easily plugged in modules," he said.
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