"Given the country’s obsession with property, the current low interest rates and affordability hurdles in Sydney and Melbourne – it not surprising that this is a big focus for many across the country.”
When it comes to dreams, Australians are focused on property goals, according to new research conducted by Yellow Brick Road, the wealth management and financial services firms headed by Mark Bouris.
In a survey of over 6,500 Australians which sought to understand the financial aspirations of the nation, 23 percent of people said their dreams were property-related.
"People across the country told us their biggest dream is to see the world," said Bouris, executive chairman of Yellow Brick Road. "Coming in a close second was buying one’s first home. Given the country’s obsession with property, the current low interest rates and affordability hurdles in Sydney and Melbourne – it not surprising that this is a big focus for many across the country.”
Bouris said the findings reveal how economic conditions, the housing market and even climate affect people’s aspirations. “We know that in places like northern Western Australia - suffering from the downturn in the mining industry - debt seems to be a bigger concern. Then you have places like Sydney’s North Shore which has seen house prices skyrocket, and the next generation are looking at how they can afford to move out of home and break into the property market,” said Bouris.
“As expected with their hot property sectors, New South Wales and Victoria residents are more focused on property goals, however Victorians are much less interested in retirement and renovating. Queenslanders are more focused on retirement and earning an education and less interested in travel – perhaps due to their own warm weather.”