Property ownership is engrained in Australian culture and conversation surrounding the state of the market is a constant in social circles.
Many investors steer clear of vacant land because they mistakenly believe they can't claim interest repayments on it.
In a world of constant change, advertising and marketing is an arena that has seen more change than most.
Some take the view the glass is half empty, for others the glass is half full.
Despite Australia’s love affair with TV renovation shows, the reality is many Australians just can’t be bothered doing renovations.
In the next five years, it's anticipated that millennials will eclipse baby boomers’ real estate spending power.
When a market is transitioning it takes a while for both sellers and landlords to catch up.
Concerns raised in an apartment building that their resident manager had life threatening allergies to animal dander resulted in a body corporate committee successfully banning a dog from the property.
Buying and selling property in WA has traditionally been by way of a conventional private treaty arrangement, however buyers and sellers are missing out on a more pure form of transaction, and that’s the auction.
Buying your first property is hard, so let's make it easier for you.
“Reports in The Australian on ATO data shows that almost two thirds of investors are on an average income of less than $80,000,” said HIA’s Principal Economist, Tim Reardon.
It might be hard to believe, but your footy code preference may well influence where you end up living, according to new research by respected property market analysts Propertyology.
The reintroduction of a waste levy for Queensland will have a direct impact on householders.
The outlook for new home building in Australia has improved significantly as a result of very healthy conditions in the jobs market and robust population growth.
As Australia's established home market becomes increasingly difficult to buy into, there are many advantages to buying off-the-plan, however, it can sometimes be difficult to know which apartment is the best one for your needs.