A great marketing plan will have buy-in and contain insights from the entire project team.
A property marketing plan incorporates similar fundamentals and structure whether it is a plan for a land, townhouse, apartment or a retirement living project. A great marketing plan will have buy-in and contain insights from the entire project team with the marketer ultimately creating and driving it.
The plan documents how the marketer, with the assistance of the project team, will create a project brand and generate, nurture and qualify leads for the sales team to convert.
What makes a property marketing plan?
Regardless of the scale or type of project, the structure of a property marketing plan will incorporate:
The deliverables of each may vary depending on the project size, budget, resource allocation or timing. Here are seven best practices that can assist with creating a comprehensive property marketing plan.
1. Research your market:
Data on buyer segments can be researched from census reports, council websites, statistical sites such as profile.id.com.au and property listing and data sites such as propertyDATA.com.au.
Visit competitor events, mystery shop projects, audit external signage, review competitor social networks and conduct buyer focus groups.
2. Project branding
A project’s brand represents the essence or vision of what is being developed both conceptually and creatively. The project brand communicates:
Invest in a brand vision workshop. Encourage the project team to participate and use an external or neutral marketing or creative resource to facilitate.
The workshop will help focus the creative process and highlight the targeted buyers, positioning, key proposition and segmented messaging.
3. Property marketing plan objectives
Setting clear and measurable property marketing objectives provides focus for the project team and highlights areas where the team can assist marketing to achieve these results. Consider setting monthly, quarterly and life of project objectives.
4. Lead generation
Successful lead generation strategies have a clear understanding of:
Marketing a project launch
Break a project launch into three simple phases:
Set lead targets, time frames and key activities for each phase.
Marketing channels for property projects
Projects will have multiple buyer profiles living in diverse locations and who search and consume information differently. Tailor marketing channels and messaging to these profiles. Remember, one approach does not fit all.
Use a combination of bought and owned channels to communicate brand, retail and lifestyle messaging and make it relevant for earned media type channels to distribute.
Have a clear understanding of the primary and secondary enquiry sources. Tailor budgets and strategies around these insights and continue optimising.
Tracking and measuring leads
Analytics and marketing automation CRM plug-ins can track and rank leads created through digital campaigns.
The use of multiple phone numbers, email addresses and URLs can be effective in tracking leads from traditional channels such as project signage or advertising.
5. Lead qualifying and nurturing to ensure a successful property marketing plan
Maximise return on investment with database strategies targeted to each market segment.
A great way to start is by facilitating a customer journey workshop with the project team and map out the purchasing journey for each buyer profile:
Customer Relationship Management system
A Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is the project’s hub. As well as being a record of enquiries and purchases, for the marketer, it creates sales and marketing insights for reporting, strategy and database communications.
The key to a great CRM is capturing the right information:
Capturing enquiry sources and tracking database communications, a CRM can highlight the effectiveness of database strategies and help optimises future marketing initiatives.
Own it!
Creating a great CRM takes time, effort and money. If possible, own it and control it. If a third party manages it, ensure there is complete visibility and access.
6. Conversion
Marketing can support the Sales team with conversion strategies that provide purchasers with extra layers of confidence in their decision- making, reasons for repeat visitation or provide answers to final queries.
Specific strategies to assist conversion could be a mixture of:
7. Post purchase
The objectives to a successful post purchase strategy is to maximise opportunities for:
To achieve these, buyers must remain satisfied and happy with their purchase, sales process and customer service experience.
A happy purchaser will become your best marketer and maybe your cheapest cost per lead and sale for future projects.
A successful post purchase strategy is about communication and engagement. Consider:
These seven best practices will provide focus in developing, reviewing and optimising property marketing plans.
Remember that the plan should naturally evolve throughout the life of the project with a better understanding of market insights and product and price acceptance.
See also:
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The strategic approach to adding value to commercial property: Melbourne Acquisitions
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