The REISA has created a pet agreement that outlines a tenant's obligations when keeping a pet in a rental property.
Pets are an important part of the family and REISA has taken steps to ensure that tenants and landlords are protected by a pet agreement that reflects the obligations of a tenant towards keeping a pet in their rental property.
Following discussions with the RSPCA and Shelter SA, REISA has taken steps to formally recognise that allowing a tenant to have a pet can be an overwhelmingly positive experience for all involved.
The positives for a landlord of allowing a tenant with pets can include a long term tenant, a faster turnaround in securing a tenant, a reduction in advertising expenses and the fostering of a better relationship with the tenant if they desire to own a pet during the tenancy.
The positives more generally can include significant mental and physical health benefits for the tenant as well as reducing the numbers of unwanted pets in the community.
REISA CEO Greg Troughton said “While it always should be the landlord’s right to ultimately make the decision about whether pets are allowed or not, it is important that a landlord recognises the many benefits that tenants with pets can offer.”
“REISA has now provided a pet agreement on its online platform – REI Forms Live – which recognises the special place that pets can occupy in a tenant’s family. The pet agreement reinforces to the landlord that the tenant will care for them accordingly and ultimately be responsible for the pet throughout the tenancy”
“The introduction of a formally approved REISA pet agreement should go some way in alleviating the reluctance of landlords to ever allow a tenant with a pet into their property” Troughton said.
Read more about pets and rental property:
Pet Resume leaves no furry friend behind in the search for rental property
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