The best real estate job ads are clear and concise, and they promote the benefits of working for your business as much as the qualities they are seeking in an applicant, says Sharon Bennie of Specialist Property Recruitment.
Job postings can be the first place a prospective candidate learns about your business. Or they can provide job hunters with greater insight into a business they already know.
Whatever the case, job ads are an important way to promote your company - as well as find the best candidates for the role your are trying to fill.
"Too many advertisers make the mistake of making an advertisement all about what they are seeking in an applicant, rather than listing the benefits of working for the business," Sharon Bennie of Specialist Property Recruitment told WILLIAMS MEDIA.
We take you through the most important elements of a good job ad.
Tone of voice
First of all, tone of voice will set the overall 'mood' of the ad. If your company is a cutting-edge, tech start up it might be appropriate to use some hipster language or technical jargon, but most of the time plain English and simple and clear explanations are the best approach.
Upload your real estate jobs on RECON Jobs.
Job title
Salary, or not?
"I believe in highlighting salary, and if there are added benefits such as bonuses or commissions, and what the realistic potential for on target earnings (OTE) could be in the role," says Bennie.
Job summary
Full job description
"Given the amount of competition currently searching for good staff, this is the section that gives you the opportunity to 'sell' the reasons why someone would want to work for you," says Bennie.
"Getting the classification right is essential to ensure you are in front of the right audience," explains Bennie.
FT / PT / casual / contract / intern
Specialisation, Region and Years of experience
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