The short answer is yes, which can be disastrous for all concerned, says Dan Holden of HoldenCAPITAL.
Can your lender stop funding mid construction? The short answer is yes, which can be disastrous for all concerned.
A key consideration is that once the project has commenced the lender, just like the developer, is relying on the successful completion of the project to get their money back. All lenders advance construction funds against a certified cost expended value adjusted for the cost to complete.
The project needs to be completed and sold or refinanced in order for the debt to be repaid and a profit realised. It is unlikely therefore, that half way through the project with half the debt advanced (and all the developer’s equity), that a sale could actually be achieved, let alone at a price that would recover the lender's exposure.
In this situation, a lender would be more inclined to appoint receivers and managers to secure the completion of the project and avoid or minimise any potential loss. The additional costs associated with this process will however, in most cases, wipe out the projected profit along with all or a good portion of the developer’s equity.
So why then would a lender choose to stop funding mid construction and expose itself to this probable outcome. Circumstances which could result in this situation include:
So, how do you protect yourself from these circumstances occurring?
In summary, your lenders best interests are best served by the project being completed and sold or refinanced, however if something goes wrong, be it within or outside of your control, the lender will not hesitate to act in the best interests of its shareholders or investors.
So the smart developer protects their own position by working with their lender to find a satisfactory solution that ensures the best possible economic outcome.
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This article was written by Dan Holden of HoldenCAPITAL, a bespoke construction finance firm. HoldenCAPITAL arranges construction finance and invests in projects through their equity trust, HoldenINVEST. To discuss your project finance requirements please call (07) 3171 4200 or visit
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